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4 Jan 2023

Do you have what it takes to become a web developer?

Posted by Catherine. Comments Off on Do you have what it takes to become a web developer?

The job of a web developer can be very varied. You may work for one company on their own website or you may work for an agency where you develop multiple websites for their clients. It can be a very highly paid job and quite rewarding at times but it certainly isn’t always a breeze. Although you don’t have to have any formal qualifications to become a web developer, lots of people decide to do a degree in it to give them that head start. Rather than starting out as a junior they may be able to go into a more experienced role.

Often you will find that you are put under pressure to get the work done to a certain deadline. This may mean working late into the night or early starts. Sometimes a job that should have been straightforward and simple can turn in to a bit of a nightmare. If you have other jobs that you were supposed to get done, then they may have to wait until the following day or it may mean you need to put in some extra hours to catch up.

You may decide to be a self employed developer, getting your own clients but if you are not very good at the design or sales side of the business, you may wish to collaborate with others.

9 Jun 2022

Mobile Marketing – what does it mean for your business?

Posted by Catherine. Comments Off on Mobile Marketing – what does it mean for your business?

Because mobile phones generate so much traffic to a website, having a mobile marketing plan is critical to the success of your digital marketing campaign. Adapting your digital strategy for mobile simply entails identifying and bringing crucial parts of your marketing efforts to your users’ mobile devices.

Mobile marketing is basically the promotion of products, services, and mobile apps using mobile devices such as smartphones.

Its most significant benefit is that it establishes a personal connection between the advertiser and the audience, with several customising choices.

The popularity of smartphones has dramatically transformed how consumers access information and shop throughout the years. New types of marketing have risen to the top as a result, and many believe that mobile marketing has ushered in a massive shift in the advertising industry.

Mobile marketing was once thought to be an add-on to traditional digital marketing that targeted desktop consumers. There is no denying that mobile phones have surpassed desktop computers as the most popular mode of communication.

Another benefit of mobile marketing is how simple it is to convert users. You can reach users in real time, even when they aren’t at home and when they are most willing to buy. In fact recent studies have shown 50% of users who made a local search from their smartphone ended up taking an action like visiting a store. As for users who made these searches from their desktops, only 39% ultimately took action.

29 Apr 2022

Making your website work for both mobile and desktop devices

Posted by Catherine. Comments Off on Making your website work for both mobile and desktop devices

So many people use mobile devices and tablets to browse the web these days that it is vital that your website works well on all different device sizes and browsers. Years ago, you only really needed to ensure that it worked well on Internet explorer and Firefox but since mobile devices have come on the scene there are now a huge number of additional browsers and screen sizes to consider. Google also take in to account how mobile friendly a website is when they use their algorithm to rank the site on the search engine result pages.

Although you can test your website on many different devices to get a true feel for how it looks and works, you can also use Google Search Console to check for compatibility issues. This will show you if font is too small or if clickable elements are too close together for example. This can help build a better website. It may be that you program the site in such a way that some elements are not visible or work in a different way on smaller screens as they just may not be needed on mobile devices. You may also want to consider creating an app for people to download and use on mobile devices instead of using the website.

16 Mar 2022

Key resources for successful marketing

Posted by Catherine. Comments Off on Key resources for successful marketing

Successful marketing should be an important part of any business and there are resources that are critical to success of a marketing plan or project.

The first resource that is needed is money. Most businesses are concerned about the costs involved in marketing for example a website could be free or could cost thousands. No company has unlimited funds for marketing and so they need to make sure that their budget is spent wisely.

The next key resource in marketing is time. Companies need to think of ways to use their own time to reduce the cost of a project. Time is also critical in ongoing communications strategies like email newsletters, PR or social media. If responses are not made promptly potential clients can be lost.

Many organisations have talented people who are interested in helping with marketing but what is really needed is expertise. This expertise within a company is critical for building the processes that sustain a communications campaign. Getting multiple people involved, using their skills, talents and interests to help promote the company can save money rather than paying for marketing expertise.

If these key aspects of marketing can be achieved then the prospects for success are raised and company growth can be expected.

18 Feb 2022

How to target your audience through remarketing

Posted by Catherine. Comments Off on How to target your audience through remarketing

Remarketing is a great way to target your audience and it often has a much higher conversion rate than marketing to the masses. It is essentially targeting people that have previously interacted with your business. For example, if they have visited your website, they may then see a Google Ad on another site for your products or if they have liked a post on Facebook, their ad may come on to your news feed. Targeting customers in this way, may shrink the number of people you reach but you are more likely to reach people who are actually going to be interested in what you have to offer. Some people will opt out of targeted advertising so you may want to do a generic campaign too to ensure that you reach a wider audience.

With any sort of marketing it is vital that you keep an eye on how much you spend and what return you get on your investment. This will then allow you to make a decision as to if you want to continue with it or not. You may be able to see data from the software you use to do your remarketing or you may be able to obtain it from statistics packages such as Google Analytics.

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  • Go Digital and Get Creative

    There’s a lot of creativity involved in digital marketing. Whether you’re creating an engaging online content marketing campaign, an infographic for a social media promotion or a traffic focused SEO campaign, there’s always room for creativity. That said, if you have excellent design skills and you’re brimming with creative ideas, you mustn’t forget the target audience, otherwise you may be wasting your time.

    Creating a BulletProof Web Design

    There are many different design trends that come and go, and if you want to save time and money you have to think carefully about your next website before you put it live for the world to see. A website design in Northampton could include parallax sections, a full width slider across the top, a responsive layout and flat icons and graphics. In time, however, you might fancy making some changes, and that’s why should think ahead when you’re creating a new site. Every element should be carefully planned, and then fully tested on a range of devices.