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30 Dec 2021

Make sure you choose a website that have a content management system

Posted by Catherine. Comments Off on Make sure you choose a website that have a content management system

When you are looking for a new website, you need to ensue that it has a content management system that you can use. A content management system allows users to log in and make changes to the website without having to go in to the code via FTP access. There are various content management systems out there such as off the shelf ones like WordPress and Joomla and also bespoke ones that have been built by web design companies for use with their clients only.  

Often content management systems can be set up to allow different users access to different elements that they can change. For example, you may want someone to only be allowed to make text changes where as other users ay be able to delete and add new pages and make changes to the main navigation.

Most website are now built with a content management system built in but if you may be able to get a cheaper site by not having one. This is not a good idea as it will mean any change you want will have to go through the website company that built it for you and they are likely to need to charge for these changes.

10 Nov 2021

Is marketing harder than it was before?

Posted by Catherine. Comments Off on Is marketing harder than it was before?

Marketing is not always an easy task. Some businesses find that their marketing works really well for them and they do not need to change anything other times, a business may struggle to find any form of marketing that works for them and seem to invest a lot of money that goes nowhere. What works well for one business may not work well for another. You also need to remember that times change and what once may of worked may not work so well now because of external factors. For example, if you used to invest a lot of your money in to offline marketing such as leaflet dropping or cold calling you may find that the response you get now is poor compared to a while back. This is probably because more and more people are looking online for items and services that they need. There are so many scam callers now, that lots of people simply will not buy or even discuss products or services over the phone.

You need to ensure that you move with the times and if you are not sure how go about your marketing why not invest in a good marketing company who will be able to give you the help and advice you need.

14 Oct 2021

What are low hanging fruits when it comes to keyword research

Posted by Catherine. Comments Off on What are low hanging fruits when it comes to keyword research

If you have ever been involved in online marketing or have worked with a marketing agency regarding your own business, you may have heard the term low hanging fruits. Low hanging fruits are keywords or phrases that are not searched for as often as generic phrases but often end up in high conversion rates as they are quite specific. For example, restaurants in London is very generic but if you used the phrase Chinese buffet restaurant in Mayfair, London that may be classed as a low hanging fruit as it wont get as many hits but the term is very specific so you are likely to get a better quality of traffic. Also low hanging fruits cost a lot less to market for which is why they are referred to as low hanging – easier to obtain.

Smaller businesses may struggle to beat competitors in the search engine rankings lists with a smaller budget and may feel that their site just gets lost as it struggles to appear on the first page or so. If this is the case, why not target a lot of low hanging fruits and see if you can win them first.

There are a number of different software packages that can help you identify these types of keywords or phrases.

13 Sep 2021

Buying images to use on your website or in other marketing material

Posted by Catherine. Comments Off on Buying images to use on your website or in other marketing material

Having good quality images is a must when it comes to creating a website or printing marketing material. Some businesses hire in a photographer for the day and get him or her to take a number of different images that can be used on various platforms. This can ensure that you get the royalties to use the images and that you get exactly what you need. Also, it means that your website will only show images that relate to your business and not generic images that may appear on other sites.

If you do not want to get a photographer in, maybe you don’t have anything for them to photo or you only need one or two images, you may decide to buy them. There are a number of laces in which you can buy stock images and they all vary in price. Many of them companies that sell stock images allow you to download a copy of the image with a watermark over it for you to check it is what you want. You may even be able to put these into a web design to see exactly how it will look prior to committing to purchasing it.

26 Aug 2021

Promoting a charity event successfully online

Posted by Catherine. Comments Off on Promoting a charity event successfully online

As the whole purpose of hosting a charity event is to raise funds for the charity in question it is vital that the charity event whether it is a charity ball, games night or auction is promoted effectively to encourage as many participants as possible to donate to the fund raising effort.

There are a number of ways that this promotion can be achieved. The traditional way of producing posters and flyers that can be distributed locally can still be effective but in the digital age in which we live a more efficient way to promote a charity event is through social media. An event page can easily be produced giving all the relevant information such as time and venue of the event, background information about the charity and cost of tickets. Encouraging visitors to like and share the charity event page is a good way to spread the word and hopefully get a good many participants.

Running an online competition is a valuable way to get people to share posts about the charity event. Often local businesses will be happy to donate products or services that can be offered as prizes which can act as an incentive for people to share news about the charity online.

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